Hero planlægning

Offer deep and extensive experierence

We are involved in planning assignments throughout Scandinavia - from feasibility studies and planning processes to masterplans and design manuals. We are therefore always ready to bid with the right competencies, regardless of the nature and complexity of the task. With a back catalog that ranges from the development of building plots to resilient urban development on a very large scale, we offer a deep and extensive experience. An experience that we, in close dialogue with our customers, lift into every single task.

We consult about plaaning across scale - from building sites to complete districts.

Interdisciplinary advisory services

AART is engaged in planning assignments throughout Scandinavia, helping private and public clients with everything from feasibility studies and planning processes to master plans and design manuals. With our unique impact approach and methodology, we help create projects that strategically contribute positive, measurable value - for the individual client, for users and for society as a whole.

As one of Scandinavia’s largest architectural firms, we involve specialists in areas such as landscapes, impact, building architecture and sustainability in the architectural planning and development of cities and areas - always at the point in the process where it is meaningful and creates tangible value. This ensures that we develop projects that balance social, environmental and economic sustainability issues - and that are operational and realisable on all parameters.

Ny Rosborg Plan 3000 AART Low
We study and analyse how cities, urban areas and building sites can be planned to create the greatest possible impact for our customers and society.
Rasmus Højkjær Larsen | Associated Partner and Manager of Urban Planning

Co-creative urban development

For us, every job is unique, and we understand that it requires the ongoing involvement of developers, investors, users, communities and authorities.
Dialogue is therefore our most important tool in any assignment - whether it involves facilitating planning processes and developing volume studies or a programme for how to utilise spaces and functions. With a clear goal of creating the greatest possible positive impact for all parties, we always develop projects in close dialogues with relevant stakeholders.

Line Willacy Planlaegning Munchen AART
The co-creative process behind the neighbourhood Sydhavnskvarteret resulted in a short and constructive process for adopting the city plan, as it was already well anchored in both the municipality and the city council.
Rasmus Højkjær Larsen | Associated Partner and Manager of Urban Planning


Strategic planning
We develop urban and landscaping strategies and translate visions into concrete plans for long-term positive urban development. We have many years of experience in developing cities, communities and construction sites, and we often help clients facilitate co-creative processes where needs, visions and expectations are shared and aligned first to create a common foundation for the process going forward.

Client advisory services
We advise developers, administrations, politicians and citizens in the space where architectural quality, vision and economy together must create the greatest possible impact and positive development - environmentally, socially and therefore also economically.

Planlaegning stueetagen 01

Master plans
We develop holistic and master plans for new and existing urban areas across Scandinavia, unlocking the potential of each area for the benefit of society and our customers. With solid experience from urban development projects of all scales, we offer interdisciplinary consultancy services and process facilitation services - from visioning processes to political decisions and realisation.

Local planning
We offer interdisciplinary advisory services in connection with the preparation of all types of local plans. We also offer interdisciplinary advisory services on the preparation of all types of local plans and draw on many years of experience in the preparation of planning documents and the realisation of construction projects and landscaping. This ensures that the framework for future projects achieves the desired effect for both clients and authorities.

Project development and project management
Working closely with our customers, we develop projects from the initial idea to the completed project - and everything in between. We provide specialised, interdisciplinary consultancy services, carrying the initial visions into the actual project and ensuring value creation throughout the development - both in the short and long term. In short, all the things it takes for our customers to succeed with their projects.

Sydhavnen Kulpladsen SHL
Kulkranspladsen, Sydhavnskvarteret at Aarhus

Do you want to know more?

  • Rasmus Højkjær Larsen
    Associated Partner / Manager of AART Urban Planning / Architect MAA
    +45 41 96 35 33
  • Kristine Månsson
    Associated / Manager of AART Plan & Urbanism / Urban Planner
    +47 41 60 58 95