About us
About us
AART is a Scandinavian, full-service architecture firm that provides consultancy services across scale and sector. We work on projects in the following segments: public and private housing, commercial, culture, health and education, and we consult clients on urban space and landscape design, planning, space-planning, sustainability, environment, transformation and renovation, design and, not least, impact-based architecture.
With 300 employees, comprising architects, landscape architects, construction engineers, anthropologists, economists and civil engineers, we are one of Scandinavia's leading independent architectural firms. From our offices in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, we develop projects that make a positive difference for developers, users and society.
Our company is founded on the willingness to translate visions into noticeable impact.

At AART, we apply an holistic approach to our work, always seeking to create both economic, social and environmental value. We believe that by working with these three values combined, we create the biggest value for our clients and society in the long-term.
We understand just how important attention to detail and materials is to creating architecture that contributes positively to the development of society, not only today but for many years to come, and so we take our knowledge of space, light, materiality and context and put it to together with sustainable awareness and great craftsmanship. The result is beautiful and long-lasting architecture that supports people.
As the first architecture company in Scandinavia, we have therefore also established a multidisciplinary impact team comprising architects, anthropologists and economists, who specialise in ensuring and documenting the impact and value creation of architecture. We revisit our projects and thereby create an architectural foundation of knowledge and experience that puts us at the forefront of our field.
Just as we take pride in developing the world around us, we take pride in developing and challenging our professionalism and supporting each other.
Read more about our work with impact here
Everything we do in AART is based on our three virtues; honesty, empathy and persistence, which define how we relate to each other and the world around us.
We work honestly to develop the world on a clear and responsible foundation. We approach our customers and their world with empathy, and we constantly strive to work as a team and keep our eye on the end goal, all the way to the finish line.

AART was established in Aarhus in 2000 by Torben Skovbjerg, Anders Strange and Anders Tyrrestrup. Since then, Mads Nygaard and Nanna Flintholm have joined the circle of group partners.
Over the years, we have opened offices in Copenhagen, Oslo and Stockholm, and in 2018 we acquired the Norwegian architectural firm SJ Arkitekter with approximately 50 employees for the purpose of strengthening and developing our position in the Norwegian market.
In 2022, in the largest transaction among architectural firms ever, we acquired the 75-year-old architectural firm Mangor & Nagel's three offices in Copenhagen, Roskilde and Frederikssund, respectively. The acquisition brought two independent architectural firms together and against the current in the industry. We did so with a common goal to support our clients with pure consultancy services and highly specialised skills in all branches of architecture.

Honorary awards
Together with our clients, we have created numerous award-winning projects. Projects that have been honored nationally and internationally, not only for their aesthetic qualities, but also for their ability to propel organisations and societies towards a more enriching and sustainable direction. For us, the honor is not just a professional recognition, but a unique opportunity to profile our clients and their community engagement.

Architecture prizes
Årets Ejendomsprojekt
Incuba Next kåret som Årets Ejendomsprojekt ved AARREN Awards 2024.
Årets Byggeri
REGAN Vest kåret som Årets Byggeri 2023
Örebro Kommunes Byggepris
Almby Kyrkpark tildelt Örebro Kommunes Byggepris 2023
Hjørring Kommunes Arkitekturpris
Vrå Børne- og Kulturhus præmieret med Hjørring Kommunes Arkitekturpris 2023
Årets skolebyggeri
Vrå Børne- og Kulturhus named school building of the year.
Aarhus Kommunes Arkitekturpris
Nye and Pakhusene
Frederiksberg Kommunes Bygningspræmiering
Falkoner Allé 128 — AAB afd. 118 awarded Frederiksberg Municipality’s Building Award.
Danmarks bedste sundhedsbyggeri
Strandbakkehuset named Denmark’s best healthcare building.
Årets Byggeri
Viborg Akutcenter modtager receives honourable mention at the Danish Construction of the Year.
Københavns Kommunes Bygningspræmiering
Amaryllis Hus awarded the City of Copenhagen’s Audience Award and the City of Copenhagen’s professional jury’s award for beautiful architecture.
International Architecture Award
Voss Videregående Skole
AEC Excellence Award
Stavanger Universitetssygehus
Best on Archilovers
Københavns Kommunes Bygningspræmiering
Bryggeblomsten tildelt awarded the Copenhagen Municipality’s Building Award.
Slagelse Kommunes Arkitekturpris
German Design Award
WAN Residential Award
Middelfart Kommunes Arkitekturpris
Naturcenter Hindsgavl
Hjørring Kommunes Arkitekturpris
Vendsyssel Sygehus
Energy Efficiency Best of Award
Naturcenter Hindsgavl
International Property Award
Iconic Award
Inspiria Science Center
Hvidovre Kommunes Bygningspræmiering
Bredalsparken awarded by Hvidovre Municipality for its residential qualities, interaction with the surroundings and fine building details.
Prime Property Award
Inspiria Science Center
Arnstein Arneberg Prisen
Inspiria Science Center
Østfold Prisen for Universel Udformning
Inspiria Science Center
Structural Award
Bæredygtig Beton Prisen
DANVA Vandhuset
Tyndpladegruppens Arkitekturpris
Skanderborg Kommunes Arkitekturpris
DANVA Vandhuset
Skagen Byfonds Hæderspris
Skagen Skippeskole
Green Good Design Award
Bolig for Livet
Bo Grøn Prisen
Bolig for Livet
Vejle Prisen
København Kommunes Bygningspræmiering
Bikuben Kollegiet