The development of Aarhus BSS is moving ahead
In 2025, Aarhus BSS - Aarhus University will move its activities to the new city-integrated campus, The University Town. Here, the transformation of the city's old, iconic municipality hospital and the construction of Aarhus' largest auditorium with space for up to 800 students are moving ahead.
The future Aarhus BSS will become a new landmark and gathering point for the campus area and it is thus developed with the ambition of strengthening community and synegies between the research and study environments as well as the education and collaboration with the university's external interests.
With its 37,000 sqm, the new BSS will constitute a large and important part of Aarhus University's overall development where new facilities will be located closer to the other activities in the University Park than today.
The University Town and the new Aarhus BSS is created in close collaboration with our developer, FEAS A/S, and with LYTT Architecture, A. Enggaard A/S and NIRAS.

Fremtidens Aarhus BSS bliver et nyt vartegn og samlingspunkt i Universitetsbyen, og udvikles med ambitionen om at styrke fællesskab og synergier mellem forskningsmiljøerne, studiemiljøerne, undervisningen og samarbejdet med universitetets eksterne interessenter.
Med sine 37.000 kvm. vil det nye BSS også udgøre en stor og vigtig del af Aarhus Universitets samlede udvikling, hvor de nye faciliteter vil ligge tættere på fakultetets øvrige aktiviteter i Universitetsparken end i dag.
Universitetsbyen og det nye Aarhus BSS skabes i tæt samarbejde med vores bygherre, FEAS - Forskningsfondens Ejendomsselskab A/S, og med LYTT Architecture, A. Enggaard A/S og NIRAS.