Delivering proposal for large development project in Oslo
Together with the landscape architects from edit! And a great team of consultants from NIVA (Norwegian Institute for Water Research), Geologist and Ornithologist Morten Bergan, and Hydrologist Kai Fjelstad from Hydrateam, we have delivered our proposal “Kongshaven Fjordpark” to the development of the large development area Grønlikaia.
Med Kongshavn Fjordpark vil vi skabe et maritimt videnscenter i Oslo, som skal inspirere besøgende i alle aldre til at lære og blive bevidste om fjordens natur, liv og betydning for os alWith Kongshaven Fjordpark, we wish to create maritime knowledge centre in Olso that can inspire visitors of all ages to learn and become aware of the fjord’s nature, life and impact on us all.
Located close to the Oslo Fjord and the Alnaelva Delta, the knowledge center will appear as a blue nature room that will bring visitors new types of nature experiences and understanding of the surrounding landscape with the aim of sharing knowledge and increase motivation for exploring nature on their own.
The contribution is delivered as part of a parallel assignment for Hav Eiendom A/S. Here, 16 out of the 118 teams in total have been selected to give their proposals for the development of district Grønlikaia. Three teams have been prequalified for each of the five sub-sections of the area , and we are among the three teams that are designing a proposal for the “Buffer-zone” that will mark the transition between city and fjord.
All proposals have been exhibited as a part of Oslo’s architecture Triennale at the previous Edvard Munch Museum from September to October 2022.