The value of a constructed square metre

For us, architecture is about creating long-term effects and measurable, positive value for our client and for society as a whole - socially, environmentally and thus financially.

Every project involves a financial investment and the consumption of resources. And behind that investment, there is always an ambition to achieve a specific effect, but that effect is not necessarily going to materialise just from building something. Based on the latest knowledge, we work systematically and strategically in a close dialogue with the client and users to define and realise the full potential of the individual project and thus the value of each square metre in both the short and long term.

The built environment has a huge potential in terms of preventing and solving many of the challenges that people, organisations and society face today. With a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to architecture, we help our customers and organisations spot and realise that potential
Johanne Mose Entwistle | Partner, antrhopologist and impact manager