Common focus
With offices all over Scandinavia, we work across cultures and competences, but together we share the ambition to create a measurable and discernable impact with our architecture. An ambition that is translate with our Effektkompas™ to a common focus for how we run our projects every day, in everything that we do - in close dialogue with clients and collaborators.

In brief
... the Effektkompas™ is a strategic tool to create the greatest impact possible in all of our projects and navigate our clients safely through the process - from the initial definition of the desired impact, over the impact-based design of the architecture, to the following documentation of the impact after the project is completed and taken into use.
If we fold out the tool
... then you will discover that it contains a deeper and more detailed level. A level where the impact-based approach to architecture is translated into a clearly defined consultation process, where the client's visions chart the course for which behavoir and experience the architecture should promote, how the architecture should be thought and drawn, and in the end, how the impact of the architecture should be documentated.
Vision | The vision for your project which through insights inspires to set a common direction.
Impact goal | We concretise the vision to a string of defined and documentable impact goals.
Behavior and experience | We define the user behavoir and experience that should be promoted to meet the impact goals.
Architecture | We create architecture that with its devices will promote the desired behavoir and experience.
Impact measurements | We revisit the project after it has been taken into use with the aim of documenting the actual impact - based on the initially defined impact goals.
Our work with the Effektkompas is based on our own and external research on how the built environment can contribute to creating an impact — socially, economically, and environmentally.Johanne Mose Entwistle | Head of Impact
Do you want to know more about how we can translate the Effetkompas to fit your project?
Contact our Impact team