Facts about Mangor & Nagel - a part of AART
With the acquisition, Mangor & Nagel is named 'Mangor & Nagel - a part of AART' until 2023 after which the company becomes a fully-integrated part of the gathered AART concern and will thus be named AART. Organisationally, Mangor & Nagel will remain as it is today. Bente Priess Andersen will continue as the managing director and will represent the management together with Jacob Andersen as technical director, Claus Smed Søndergård as creative director, and Søren Stoustrup as market and bid director. Karsten Nagel og Torben Nagel will step out of the management and gain a seat on the board of 'Mangor & Nagel - a part of AART'. In its team structure, the company will continue as hitherto, while there will be established more initiatives focussing on promoting knowledge-sharing and cooperation across the gathered AART concern, so that cliens - and before the final integration in 2023 - will experience a strengthened consultation across segments and skills.