MN og AART 2022 Kontraframe 06 H

AART acquires Mangor & Nagel


Mangor & Nagel becomes a part of AART. As independent architecture practices, we are going together and against the flow in the industry and create one of Scandinavia's most significant architecture practices. This happens with the ambition to meet clients across Scandinavia, and not at least in Denmark, with quality consultation and highly specialised qualifications across all genres of architecture.

With the acquisition, we are not just standing by, but strengthening architecture as our core output. Because we believe that best way to develop our own, and not at least, our clients’ businesses.
Torben Skovbjerg | Founding partner and CEO at AART
MN og AART 2022 Kontraframe 01 H
The strong match in our culture and architecture ensures a good generational succession at Mangor & Nagel to the delight of clients and employees.
Torben Nagel | Ambassador for Mangor & Nagel - a part of AART
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Even closer to our clients

With the acquisition, we are moving even closer to our clients in Denmark. We do so with a strong representation in both Jutland and Zealand. Because while we at AART have created one of Scandinavia's leading, independent architecture practices with its base in Aarhus - supplied by offices in Copenhagen, Oslo, and Stockholm - Mangor & Nagel has done the same, but with its base on Zealand with offices in Copenhagen, Roskilde, and Frederikssund. Together we build a bridge over The Great Belt, so that clients across Denmark can experience a strong, local anchorage and understanding for the context, its conditions and potentials.

Mangor og Nagel 20220406 TH 0786 Lav

Even stronger skills

Not only do we move closer to our clients. We offer an even wider range of skills - from urban planning and landscape design to building design, transformation, and space planning. Because both at AART and Mangor & Nagel, we are in a strong position in many segments, and together we will enrich our common consultation. For example, Mangor & Nagel has a solid footing within the non-profit housing segment that we together will make nationwide. In addition, AART comes with an approach and organisation fine-tuned to creating architectural quality with a measurable and discernable impact. An impact-based approach to architecture that the acquisition can open new opportunities to develop and diffuse, not at least in the Copenhagen market.

AART 20211130 TH 0411 H

100 years of architectural work

The acquisition builds upon a strong match in both culture and architecture. For as independent architecture practices, we are both at AART and Mangor & Nagel driven by a deep dedication to creating quality surroundings where we combine space, light, and materials with a sustainable consiousness and a knack for craftsmanship, that has driven AART in more than 20 years and Mangor & Nagel in more than 70 years. As a part of the same company, we thus gather almost 100 years of dedicated, architectural work.

Contact persons

With Mangor & Nagel as a part of AART, we are in an even stronger position and an even closer to our clients all over Denmark. We do so with a team of +300 architects, constructing architects, anthropologists, sustainability specialists and many more spread across offices in Aarhus, Copenhagen, Roskilde, Frederikssund, Stockholm, and Oslo.

  • Concern-CEO in AART
    Torben Skovbjerg Larsen
    Founding Partner / CEO / Architect MAA
    +45 25 32 32 79
  • Client relations in Denmark West
    Kathrine H. Stærmose
    Partner / Business Relationship Manager / Architect MAA
    +45 41 72 80 87
  • Client relations Denmark East
    Søren Stoustrup
    Partner / Market and Bid Manager / Architect
    +45 22 82 57 85

Facts about Mangor & Nagel - a part of AART

With the acquisition, Mangor & Nagel is named 'Mangor & Nagel - a part of AART' until 2023 after which the company becomes a fully-integrated part of the gathered AART concern and will thus be named AART. Organisationally, Mangor & Nagel will remain as it is today. Bente Priess Andersen will continue as the managing director and will represent the management together with Jacob Andersen as technical director, Claus Smed Søndergård as creative director, and Søren Stoustrup as market and bid director. Karsten Nagel og Torben Nagel will step out of the management and gain a seat on the board of 'Mangor & Nagel - a part of AART'. In its team structure, the company will continue as hitherto, while there will be established more initiatives focussing on promoting knowledge-sharing and cooperation across the gathered AART concern, so that cliens - and before the final integration in 2023 - will experience a strengthened consultation across segments and skills.